Beavers have a strong need to do things right and by the book.
In fact, they are the kind of people who actually read instruction manuals. They are great at providing quality control in an office, and will provide quality control in any situation or field that demands accuracy, such as accounting, engineering, etc. Because rules, consistency and high standards are so important to beavers, they are often frustrated with others who do not share these same characteristics. Their strong need for maintaining high (and oftentimes unrealistic) standards can short-circuit their ability to express warmth in a relationship.
Natural Strengths
- Accurate
- Analytical
- Detail-oriented
- Thoroughness
- Industrious
- Orderly
- Methodical and exhaustive
- High standards
- Intuitive
- Controlled
Natural Weaknesse
- Too hard on self
- Too critical of others
- Perfectionist
- Overly cautious
- Won’t make decisions without “all” the facts
- Too picky
- Overly sensitive
Basic Disposition:
Slow-paced, task-oriented
Motivated by:
The desire to be right and maintain quality.
Time Management:
Beavers tend to work slowly to make sure they are accurate.
Communication Style:
Beavers are good listeners, communicate details, and are usually diplomatic.
Decision Making:
Avoids making decisions; needs lots of information before they will make a decision
In Pressure or Tense Situations:
The beaver tries to avoid pressure or tense situations. They can ignore deadlines.
Greatest Needs:
The beaver needs security, gradual change and time to adjust to it.
Clearly defined tasks, stability, security, low risk, and tasks that require precision and planning.